Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Next Chapter

It’s official! We are moving.

The last three months have been really sneaky and disappeared while I was pretending we had several years left. So, this is me embracing reality and admitting that this beautiful chapter of our adventure is coming to a close. We could not be more grateful to Father in Heaven and to all of our friends and family who have supported us in innumerable ways over these last two years.

Lately, I find myself taking mental pictures and making lists of all the things I’ll miss: the yellow fields, old churches, cobblestone streets, prawn cocktail crisps, driving on the wrong side of the road, the accents, double decker busses, THE CHOCOLATE, custard, our red brick home, radiators on the wall, walking everywhere, London, the highlands, the humility of the English people, hilarious words that I’m now used to like “ALu-MIN-ium” and “tor-TOISe”, and so much more. I’ll miss the ghosts of my little family-the little girls who grew up in this terraced house and the countless hours we spent reading, walking, learning, and exploring together. I’ll miss the dear, dear saintly friends who have become our family here. I feel as though I’m leaving my heart with them! And with all the memories of getting to this land, adapting to the culture, adding a baby, struggling, travelling, and all the rest-I feel like I’m actually going to miss ME. There are little pieces of myself I can’t really take with me. It’s all just in memories and pictures.

And the only thing that gives me hope is Proverbs 3. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”

He’s led us this far, and judging by the blessings of the past two years, He must have great things in store for us! Starting with…

NAUVOO! On the 1st of June, I’ll be taking the girls with me to Salt Lake City for a few weeks to attend the workshop for the Nauvoo and British Pageants. Paul will finish his performances in England on the 24th and fly straight to Nauvoo in time to welcome the Red Cast. I’m excited to be choreographing again this year, Paul will be playing Parley P. Pratt, and as an added bonus, we get to portray George and Ann Cannon in the British Pageant! The girls are thrilled to be spending some time with Grandparents and our sweet Sister Powley in addition to dancing to bagpipe music and getting chiggars. Ha!


We’ll spend a few weeks visiting family in New Orleans and Salt Lake, then around the 1st of September the Cartwrights will be moving to Los Angeles, CA to create a home, joy, and good art. That’s our plan anyway! There’s lots to figure out between now and then, but we’ve got a good feeling and we’ve got each other, so we’re up for the adventure. Xxx


  1. You made me a little teary--I remembered how I felt leaving Germany after five years. A part of my heart will always be there! Looking forward to seeing you all in Nauvoo again! Please send anyone our way who needs a place to stay along the way!

  2. I will be so happy to see you again this summer here in Nauvoo. Moira and I will be in the Blue cast this year. As always, you all are in our prayers!

  3. Sounds like you've had a wonderful adventure. Let us know how we can support and love you during your transition to LA! Call, write, text, stay, whatever you need-- we are here for you ❤️ Love, Karlyn & Fam


About Me

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We are the Cartwrights! Paul and Melanie, Rachel, and Alice. We spent the first 2.5 years of marriage in the Salt Lake area, and we now live in Birmingham, England while Paul attends grad school at the Birmingham School of Acting. We love good movies-especially comedies-and nerdy things like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. We apparently love flying by the seat of our pants and having adventures! Most of all we love our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father. We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon).